A logo for 207 mobile marine services and shrink wrapping

Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Shrink Wrapping Equipment to Protect

Shrink Wrapping of Equipment

Shrink Wrapping for Shipping

Shrink Wrapping for Storage

We have shrink-wrapped air units, test machines, statues, gazebos, lawn furniture, and all types of equipment. 

Shrink wrapping provides exceptional protection to products, forming a tight, protective layer that shields items from dust, moisture, and other external elements that could potentially cause damage during transit. This safeguarding not only preserves the quality and appearance of the products but also reduces the risk of customer dissatisfaction.

If you have any questions about what can be shrink wrapped, call or email us. Cause we can shrink-wrap about anything.

Shrink wrap for transport

Shrink wrap for transport is another specialty of 207 Mobile Marine Services. We get called upon by many different industries to protect their products during shipping. Harsh weather conditions can damage or destroy equipment.

Transported items need to be protected, and shipping containers or crates are only sometimes an option due to the size, weight, or cost. So, many times they get shipped unprotected. Weather conditions can be invasive with road salt, mud, rain, dirt, and especially when shipping overseas with salt water and salt air. Shrink wrap can seal the merchandise with clean air and prevent elements from harming the goods.

This is why we get called to professionally shrink-wrap equipment.

Not only does shrink wrap cover an item tighter and smoother than any tarp could, but it also alleviates the need for tarps altogether. Tarps are not weatherproof. Wrapping plastic is not protection.
Do it right and get it shrink-wrapped!

A blue and white machine is parked in the snow in front of a building.
A large white object is sitting in the snow in front of a building
A man on a ladder is working on a machine in a factory
A large object is wrapped in plastic wrap in a warehouse.

Shrink Wrapping Projects

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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